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Weekly Newsletter: 28th June 2018

Dear Member,

Hope you’ve had a great week. Here’s a quick round up of what’s been happening  at Rackets Academy over the last week. Find out our nominations and awards for Most Improved Player and who we’re saying goodbye to. Also check out Coach Mariano’s Tip of the Week… Read on to find out more!


Most Improved Player Awards for 2017/18

Every year we like to recognise those players who have made considerable progress in their game. It’s extremely rewarding to see the progress that so many of you have made over the last year thanks to your commitment and determination on court.


Nominations for our Adult Most Improved Player 2017/18:

Wendy Allcorn

Heather Drake

Anita Schneider

Rafa Tom

Kim Feijer

Nikita Hedge

Caz Whelan

Most Improved Player: Caz Whelan

Caz has worked hard over the last year and has demonstrated high levels of determination and motivation during her training sessions.  This commitment has reflected in her overall improvement this season and culminated in some really great performances particularly in her last few matches for the ladies league representing Rackets Academy. Congratulations Caz!


Nominations for our Junior Most Improved Player 2017/18:

Sam Dean

Yasser Kreideih

Aaron Pereira

Ammar Lali

Meredith Ng

Sanjay Lanjoran

Rafe Juncker

Alaska Antonijevic

Most Improved Player: Aaron Pereira

Aaron started playing tennis just a year ago and thanks to his hard work and commitment he has shown significant improvement during the past year.  This was most evident in his performances in the Green Ball Tournaments held at Rackets Academy over the last few months. Congratulations Aaron, what a fantastic start!


Farewell to the Thomas Family

We are sad to say goodbye to the lovely Thomas Family this week who are leaving Dubai to head back to Oz. Lilly, Greta, Sky, Lisa and Lee it’s been an absolute pleasure teaching you all and we will miss you 🙁 Wishing you all the best back home…keep up the tennis!!


Coach Mariano’s Tip of the Week: The Split Step

” The split step is a movement where you elevate slightly (1 – 2 inches high from the ground) and then land as your opponent is about to hit the ball. The moment you land should be timed perfectly. When you land, make sure that your knees are bent slightly in order to help you react quicker and remain balanced for the upcoming ball, in any part of the court. Next time you play, try to use the split step when you return serves, when you are on your way towards the net prior to moving for a volley and from the baseline! See you on the court…Vamos.”


Have a great week!

Rackets Academy

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