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Rackets Academy

Terms & Conditions

Tennis Terms & Conditions- Respect others & Safe venue for all Rackets Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of customers and players. Everyone should show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. All Players and Visitors are deemed to have read and AGREE to all Racket Academy’s Terms & Conditions. GENERAL:
  • Pets are not permitted on the courts .
  • Riding of bicycles and scooters or anything similar is strictly prohibited in the Centre’s grounds.
  • Food and refreshments may be consumed outside the playing areas only.
  • People not playing sports should respect players on court by not making too much noise or causing any distractions.
  • Please respect your own and others’ possessions. Rackets Academy accepts no responsibility for items lost, stolen or damaged on the premises.
  • Lost property, balls or equipment found should be handed back to the owner or to reception.
  • Damage caused whilst at Rackets Academy is chargeable to the offender(s). To the extent permitted by law, Rackets Academy will not accept responsibility for any injuries incurred during play at our premises.
  • Personal items should not be left on the premises overnight.
  • Appropriate sporting attire should be worn on court and shirts must be worn at all times.
  • Players are required to wear non-marking footwear when on court. Players cannot wear metal studs or any form of studs on any of the courts.
  • Only coaches who have a Rackets Academy Coaching Agreement may coach clients and/or charge for coaching services using our Courts.
  • Rackets Academy reserves the right to refuse admission to the Centre to any person whether or not a fee has previously been paid in respect of entry and/or the use of the facilities of the Centre.
  • Rackets Academy reserves the right to require any person to leave the Centre at any time without refunding any fee paid for entry or for the use of any facilities
  • Court bookings are available on the hour. A pay before you play policy is enforced.
  • Court bookings can be made on online, over the telephone or in person and are to be confirmed via email by Rackets Academy.
  • Two hour back-to-back individual court bookings are permitted in off peak times only and cannot be reserved online.
  • The player should contact reception on arrival and prior to going on court for court allocation. Specific allocation of court can only be confirmed on arrival at the Centre.
  • Court bookings should be made in the name of a player who will be on the court. Players may be asked to leave the court if the named person who made the booking is not present unless otherwise communicated beforehand.
  • Attendance later than 15 minutes after the hour may result in loss of booking and the court being allocated to another player.
  • Court usage in poor weather conditions is at the individual’s choice and risk.
  • Only coaches approved by Rackets Academy can operate on the courts, and book courts in advance for individual coaching lessons.
  • Adult supervision is required at all times when booking courts for juniors.
  • Refer also to the Cancellation Policy.
  • Registration should be completed prior to the course start date (exceptions can be made by the Coaches).
  • Payment must be made on registration to secure a place.
  • Places are sold on a first-come first-serve basis.
  • Once the maximum number of attendees is reached, a waiting list will be created and attendees contacted if the program is to be extended.
  • If a course is undersubscribed and cancelled, the Senior Coach/Centre staff will suggest alternative arrangements to attendees.
  • A missed session may be caught up only via another suitable session at the discretion of the Senior Coach. The arrangement must be made in advance.
  • Missed sessions may not be transferred to weekend drop-in sessions.
  • Missed sessions will not be credited unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g. doctor’s note.
  • Junior Camps will run for the scheduled time irrespective of the weather. Play will continue in the rain whenever safety is not compromised. If necessary, coaches may postpone the session and reschedule.
  • Players must inform us of any medical condition, or disability, which may be relevant to the adult or child booked onto a course. Players must also notify us of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability. We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion. It is our policy to include any such individuals within the scheduled courses wherever possible, but we reserve the right to refuse the booking if we are regrettably unable to accommodate the needs of the individual.
  • We reserve the right to refuse entry to a course or advise a more appropriate session if any participant is found not to be of the correct age/ability, or is unable to complete a course due to being in the incorrect age/ability group.
  • We are unable to accept replacements in lieu of your booking.
  • In exceptional circumstances and where camp/course capacity allows, the Senior Coach and staff may authorize for an attendee to transfer the reservation to/from another term.
  • Refer also to the Cancellation Policy.
  • All children booked onto junior courses are fully supervised, but we cannot undertake to supervise children using the courts at other times.
  • All children booked onto junior courses and camps must bring appropriate weather protection on court at the beginning of the session. They are not permitted to leave the court without permission from the coach.
  • Permission for children to go home alone must be given in writing. If written permission is not received and contact cannot be made with parent/guardian, we will keep the child until they are picked up or contact is made.
  • Individual coaching sessions cancelled less than 48 hours before are liable to pay the coach in full. This is at the discretion of the coach as he/she is responsible for managing their individual coaching sessions.
  • Communication regarding Individual coaching sessions are arranged directly with the coach concerned.
  • Management of coach bookings is controlled by the coach in question.
  • Coaches are responsible for attending any session they have arranged.
  • Payments cannot be made directly to the coach.
  • Refer also to the Cancellation Policy.
  • Any necessary court cancellations should be made with more than 24 hours’ notice prior to the court booking time. Cancellations made within 24 hours will be charged the full fee.
  • Cancellation before this time can be done through your mobile app.
  • Cancelation’s made after this time must call the club and exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration.
  • The full court fee applies if a player chooses to play in adverse weather conditions/on slippery courts and uses the court for more than 15 minutes.
  • In adverse weather conditions the player should contact the Centre to check if play is possible. The Centre will make the final decision. If the court is deemed unplayable, the player can request a credit to be applied to their account.
  • Play in adverse conditions is at the player’s own choice & risk.
  • No cash refunds will be made, all refunds will be made via bank transfer and can take up to 40 days.
  • Any decision to cancel a session due to rain/snow is based on the extent to which courts are affected, and in the case of young players, if rain is likely to be a significant distraction or result in a negative experience. Some sessions go ahead in rain.
  • If the weather forecast prior to the session is poor, any decision to cancel will be made by the Senior Coach as late as is reasonably possible. Whenever possible, customers will be sent an email/text once a decision to cancel has been made. As a last resort customers should call the coach/office for an update. Please bear in mind difficulties in trying to predict the weather. Our overall intention is for as many sessions as possible to go ahead.
  • If a session runs over half of the designated time and is interrupted due to weather conditions, the session is considered a full session and no credit will be issued.
  • If a session is interrupted due to bad weather conditions before half of the session is completed, the player can request a credit note to be applied to their account.
  • For Mini Camps a, if the weather is inclement, the Senior Coach will run the session unless we move indoors or an official cancellation has been communicated. In such circumstances, a credit note will be offered. If a programme session is cancelled (by Rackets Academy), the customer should request a credit.
  • Rackets Academy reserve the right to change the location of the lesson and also change the type of lesson while maintaining the equivalent financial value for the client.
  • In the unlikely event of insufficient numbers, we reserve the right to cancel courses 3 days in advance of the start date. A credit will be applied to customer’s account.
  • If the participant is absent from a session for a reason other than Rackets Academy cancelling the session due to adverse weather, he/she is choosing to forfeit the time. Only in exceptional circumstances e.g. on presentation of a doctor’s note, will discretion be used to calculate the pro rata rate of the session and a credit note issued.
  • Cash refunds are limited to exceptional circumstances and can be requested via a Refund Request Form completed by the player/parent.
  • If a refund is issued once the course has been started then the classes already taken will be charged a the full price and not the package price.
  • All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties
  • The Website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.
  • We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in AED (or any other agreed currency)” OR The logo of the accepted cards are to be mentioned on their Home page and on their Payment check out page.
  • Rackets Academy will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of UAE.
  • Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment
  • Any purchase, dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of UAE.
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